Westlake Village 805.373.1111
Encino 818.387.6332
RF Microneedling
Address signs of aging by restoring your skin's health. We use short radio frequency (SRF) to redensify the layer of your skin and improve your overall dermal health by restoring and reconnecting the essential components of healthy, youthful skin - volumetric collagen and elastin. The teardrop shape of energy below the skin is what makes this treatment so effective.

Benefits of RF microneedling
• Lift and tighten the skin
• Softens fine lines
• Shrinks pores
• Reduces pigmentation
• Improves acne scars
• Reduces stretch marks
• Safe for all skin types
• Little to no downtime
• FDA-Cleared
How does RF Microneedling work?
RF Microneedling uses micro-needle electrodes bipolar radio frequency (RF) technology to coagulate dermal collagen and elastin fiber in skin. Electrocoagulation helps to rejuvenate existing dermal fibers and produce new collagen and elastin fibers, which improves skin tightening and texture of skin.
How many treatments are required?
RF microneedling treatment delivers results in a single treatment for most patients with little to no downtime. The treatment is very comfortable and attractive to patients. More treatments give more results. We recommend 3-6 treatments during a year to maximize skin rejuvenation.
When do the results appear, and how long do they last?
Visible tightening results come immediately, and the results of dermal remodeling appear over time in the course of new collagen, elastin fibers re-genesis and vascular rejuvenation. For most patients, measurable results appear gradually in 2 to 3 months. The results can last 6 months to a year following a single treatment, depending on your skin condition and aging process.
Is it painful?
No. Most patients report experiencing little to no pain. The RF treatment delivers energy to the skin in a time interval of less than 300 milliseconds (0 3 sec) It is the shortest heating time among all RF devices. The micro-needle electrodes are extremely thin and work with gentle pressure and slow speed technology, developed through numerous clinical trials.